Monday, July 12, 2010

What To Do When People Stop Talking to You

I went out to dinner with T* Monday night and she inquired about another friend. I laughed and said " I don't know the last time we even talked." I proceeded to text this former friend about something and the text that came back told me that he had switched numbers. T laughed and asked "I thought you guys were close. He didn't even tell you he got a new number?"

A few years ago I worked at a grocery store in town. One of the best jobs ever only because I worked with this really awesome guy, J. One day out of the blue he told me that I was his best friend. It struck me as odd and nice at the same time. Odd because I didn't know we were that close and nice because hey, who doesn't like being called a bestie? We haven't spoken in months.

In CATHOLIC SCHOOL I met a girl M, who was my BFF from 1st through 12th grade. She got pregnant the summer after senior year and I didn't even know.

I could go on and on about people I don't talk to anymore. It's a little sad actually, and it is making me sound like I just dump friends left and right. Which I swear I don't. If I was getting graded right now the teacher would write on my report card "Does not play well with others."

On Sunday I realized that I hadn't talked to a friend who had moved away a year ago. Instead of telling myself "Oh I should call him." I picked up my cell phone and dialed his number. We had quite a funny conversation. (What can I say, I'm fun to talk to.)

So, What to Do When People Stop Talking to You? Call them. Because unless you suddenly turn into Bruce Willis's long lost daughter, or Miley Cyrus's long lost brother, or Angelina decides to adopt you that person is probably not going to call you.

That's how people roll.


Side note: I told my dad that when I'm famous I was going to change my last name so he couldn't use me for fame.

*I'd rather not post people's names in case I feel like writing something bad about them. Ha.

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